Name Embroidery Guide

Name Embroidery On Chef Jackets

Please note that placement of names on apron may differ from reference image due to the given length of name and font.

1. Chef Jacket Name Embroidery Placement Guide

Name Embroidery On Chef Jacket Collar

Overlapped Collar — name embroidery will be visibly embroidered at the front of the chef jacket.

Mandarin Collar — name embroidery will be embroidered on the side of the collar. 

Slant Mandarin Collar — for extra comfort, the mandarin collar has been modernized and designed to be slimmer. With the limited space, name embroidery can only be embroidered at the side of the collar on the chef jacket.


Name Embroidery On the Chef Jacket Left Sleeve

Left Long and Short Sleeve — all name embroidery will be embroidered below the pen pocket on the left sleeve. Name, name initials, or restaurant's name can be commonly seen on the left sleeve.

Right Sleeve Name Embroidery On Chef Jacket

Right Long Sleeve — embroidery will be embroidered on the top, closer to the armhole seam. Name, name initials, or restaurant's name can be commonly seen on the left sleeve.

Right Short Sleeve — embroidery will be embroidered on the lower end, close to the sleeve's opening. Name, name initials, or restaurant's name can be commonly seen on the left sleeve.


Chef Apron Name Embroidery Placement

Do note that placement of names on apron may differ from reference image due to the given length of name and font.

bib apron name embroidery placement

chef apron name embroidery placement